Get out of your head. And have more fun.

Superior Improv Co. is here to turbo-charge your capacity for listening, reacting, being in the moment and building upon the ideas of others. Your reward? A next-level appreciation of your perspective, talent, brilliance & humor — and some pretty great laughs, too.

All skill levels welcome! Get on up in here.

The place in Superior to practice improv, sketch-comedy & stand-up act material in a safe, supportive and entertaining space.

  • Classes

    Explore the craft of improv in a supportive, collaborative and entertaining environment. All skill levels welcome.

  • Shows

    Student showcases, team matches, open improv and more. See about catching our next show here.

  • Resources

    Discover more improv games, tools, content and more in our Goodies section. Yum.

Why practice improv?

  • Life has no script. You’re already improvising all the time! It’s like your go-to thang. In every interaction. On every call. In every meeting. Everywhere you go. At home, work. Even the grocery store. You improv everyday. Yet, there are reasons some interactions (and outcomes) experienced in life feel better than others. Just like the rules of improv help to advance a scene forward in joyous ways, the same rules can help advance a team or family agenda towards applause and standing ovations, too. Consciously practicing the craft of improv invokes next-level awareness and confidence in playing the lead role of YOU in your life!

  • Myth: Improv is about being lucky enough to be good at thinking on your feet. Wrong. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite. Improv is about being quick to observe and LISTEN on your feet. There is no greater gift to give another human being than to fully listen to them. To KNOW what one is feeling or experiencing. To CARE about it. And then to SAY how you feel about it. Magically, this simple action of listening is endearing to relationships and scenes alike. Of course, the crazier things get in life, the harder it is to listen. The practice of improv levels-up your capacity to listen amidst chaos.

  • Like they say, the first decision is usually the right one. And overthinking usually leads to paralysis by analysis. Life, careers, parenting, school, all that, is stressful enough to get perfect and ‘right’ all the time. You need a break. The practice of improv liberates us from the fear of getting something wrong. Because with improv, there’s no such thing. In fact, being wrong more often than right is a good thing because it likely leads to something fun and funny.

Superior Improv Co. is for anyone with a desire to practice improv, sketch-comedy or stand-up act material in a safe, supportive and entertaining space. All skill levels welcome.